Exhibition 2025

Exhibition specifications

Included in the Exhibition price:

  • Exclusive exhibition area during all conference days
  • First option organized table seating
  • Company logo on Shippax Ferry Conference's website, including link to the website of the sponsor/exhibitor
  • Company logo included in all Shippax Ferry Conference's PR and marketing brochures
  • Company logo on the screen saver shown between the sessions in the conference hall
  • Insert, one brochure or one give-away in the conference delegate bag
  • Company presentation on Shippax Ferry Conference's website
  • Password & free access to Shippax Online News service at www.shippax.com
  • Weekly newsletter. Sent out each Friday to your personal e-mail
  • Favorable discount upon booking an advertisement in Shippax publications

Are you interested in showing your products to the ferry industry?


Main sponsors

Sponsors & exhibitors

Photo gallery

Shippax Ferry Conference 2024 photos

Take a look at photos from last year’s conference

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